Monday, November 29, 2010

Pwn ur FACE

Guys. You'll never believe what just happened to me. I'm barefoot right now because I just had my socks blown off by the awesomest LoL fanart creation EVAR!! Ok so maybe you might not appreciate it quite as much as I do, but I totally love this video and think it's really hilarious. I can't wait to see some more of their work - these guys are incredibly talented.

So head on over to YouTube via the link below and watch Pwn ur FACE by "the group formerly known as the Staff Inflection!"

Oh and be sure to subscribe and thumbs up and leave them comments about how epic they are, and all that fun stuff, because us folks who make videos and whatnot love to have feedback.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Ionia vs. Noxus Grudge Match

Alright guys, hold on to your hats and get ready for a wild ride, because on December 10 there is going to be an official live match in League of Legends between one team of summoners allowed to summon various Ionian champions, and another team allowed to summon certain Noxian champions. The match is going to be commentated by none other than LoL's legendary Phreak. It should be an awesome event, and you're not going to want to miss it. (More after the break)

Saturday, November 27, 2010

How NOT to play

Hey everyone, new video just out! Paaaaartay! This one is called "How NOT to play". What, you guessed that already? Well you sneaky little bugger... Fine, you win this time.

Anyway, this video is because of all the bad teams I've been having to play on recently in solo queue 5v5. Now, in my team's defense, three of us went on to play another game together after this (after culling the two worst players on our team, heheheh) and we actually rolled some face. It was plenty of fun. So Guzzo4 and Jforgenjorgen and Valkaiser - if you're reading this, don't take it personally, I'm not just slamming you guys. We did well in the game after this one, but in this game we had some unfortunate moments. We lacked coordination and CCs and whatnot which ended up hurting us.

So this video is going to show you some of our worst moments for your morbid fascination, and I'm going to explain to you how to avoid making the same mistakes. I play Shen and my teammates are Vladimir, Corki, Mordekaiser, and Soraka. The enemy team had Ashe, Shen, Vladimir, Katarina, and Taric. Katarina was played by my man Ninjablast, who seriously wrecked face with her.

Ok, enough blabbing, now on with the video!

HD League of Legends Guide - How NOT to Play

Friday, November 26, 2010

AP Nunu Guide

Hey guys, we have a series on playing AP Nunu up and running now! Excitement abounds!

This is a three part series, with the first part focusing on the more boring stuff (skills + items), and the second part revolves around gameplay footage; covering laning, ganking, and team fights. The third part is just a montage of highlights from a game of playing AP Nunu, with some pretty cool moments in it. Links to all three videos are below. After the break you`ll find all the additional info that didn`t make it into the guides: runes & masteries, summoner spells, & jungling. So click "Read More" and scroll down! You know you want to!

HD League of Legends Nunu Guide - AP Nunu [1/2]
HD League of Legends Nunu Guide - AP Nunu [2/2]
HD League of Legends Nunu Gameplay - AP Nunu Highlights Reel


Hey everyone, welcome to HDLoLcast on! Some of you may have heard of me through my YouTube channel at, and some of you may have no idea what this place is about. Well here's the thing. HDLoLcast started as a channel on YouTube to bring to people 1080p HD videos relating to League of Legends. However, since I'm clearly multi-talented, I have started this blog in order to communicate with people through the wonders of text as well! Yaaaaaay! I can tell you're excited - that's what crickets chirping means, right?

Well anyway, here you will be able to find write-ups to accompany my videos, since although I can yabber for a good nine minutes straight without trouble, I still don't end up covering every aspect of things. So now to accompany my deluge of sound you can come here and smash up against a wall of text. Happy happy joy joy, right? Yeah I thought so.

So without further ado, welcome to HDLoLblog (see what I did there?), and don't forget to check out the introduction/beginner's guide video!