Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Patch and Snowdown Showdown

Hey guys, Patch is here, and to save you from reading the pages of patch notes, I'll give you the quick version. If you don't want to read all of this, just look for the bold/italics until you find a subject that interests you.

First of all, we have all-new skins and a new loading screen to suit the festive season! There are also a few new skins for some of your favorite champions, such as Reindeer Kog'Maw, Re-Gifted Amumu, Santa Gragas, Silent Night Sona, Nutcracko (Nutcracker Shaco), Ragdoll Poppy, and the sizzling Candy Cane Miss Fortune. Click here for more info and for some screenshots.

Also out in this patch is Cassiopeia, The Serpent's Embrace. She's a tough-to-play mage champion with poisons, a stun ultimate, and a seemingly direct damage nuke, though it may turn out to be a skillshot instead. She has some good combo abilities but it looks like given the delay aspect to two of her main spells they can be quite hard to hit and use effectively. Detailed stats for her do not appear to be out yet, but rest assured that once a few people get their hands on this new champion, stats will be sure to quickly follow on the LoL wikia.

Then of course there's the gameplay tweaks and changes. I'll just give a brief overview, and if you want the full scoop then check out the patch notes here.

So anyway, it's basically nerfs all-round, though there's a few new features such as a new penalty system for leavers and mastery saving improvements. Ezreal, LeBlanc, and Fiddlesticks got buffed, while Pantheon had his early-game nerfed, and pretty much everyone else got general nerfs, except notably Urgot had some fairly significant changes that you will want to check out if you like playing him.

As for items, several of them got nerfs, notably Banshee's Veil, Elixirs, Randiun's, Phantom Dancer, Warden's Mail, and Sunfire Cape, which had its aura changed to unique. Yes, that's right - no more stacking Sunfire Capes. Innervating Locket was removed and Last Whisper was revamped, now giving +40 AD instead of 40% IAS.

Also, Flash no longer pops projectiles, and the cooldown was increased by 15 seconds. This will save Riot from a lot of Flash withdrawal induced rage, while still balancing the spell out a bit. So no more flashing out of stuns or tower hits, etc.

And finally, the last piece of big news is that dragon doesn't give global experience any more, but does give more gold, and towers give reduced global experience but buffed global gold.

That's about it for Patch, so now you can get back in there and get to LoLing! Or, if you're not satisfied yet with the info I've given you, head on over here to check it out for yourself.

Monday, December 13, 2010

New Horizons

Hey guys, today I have both good news and bad news for you. Ok well the good news might just mainly be good news for me, but that's not the point. See, the thing is, I've become a freelancer with GameZone.com, which means I'll be paid to put out one video a week for them about LoL, so you'll be seeing stuff similar to what I've been putting up on YouTube already. So I suppose the good news for you guys is that you can count on at least one video a week from me, minimum. However, the bad news is that I'm only going to be able to put up new videos on YouTube if I get the time to make more than one video per week, so my YouTube channel might end up collecting a little more dust than it currently has been.

Anyway, I know I promised you guys a Beginner's Skills series, and although my three-part guide concept has been scrapped due to my recent employment by GameZone, I have decided to continue to put out Beginner's Skills guides, just not in a three-part format, and on GameZone instead of YouTube. So without further ado, I present to you the first episode in our Beginner's Skills Guide series - Zoning!

Click here or follow this link to go view the video!


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Basic skills guide

Well guys, the poll on our YouTube channel is now closed, and the results are in! We had four options for you guys to vote on, and the winning candidate would be the next video I make. The choices were:
  • Guide to Amumu
  • Guide to Master Yi
  • First impressions of Twisted Treeline
  • Basic skills guide (laning, ganking, engaging, retreating, team roles, etc.)
And now... the moment of truth! The results are in, and production begins! But on which topic? Bum bum buuuuuuum... Oh wait, what's that? You already know the answer because you looked at the YouTube poll? You sneaky little monkey! Well for those of you who didn't ruin the suspense, the answer is... oh wait, you guess it from the title of the post? *sigh* There's just no appreciation for suspense these days... Well anyway, the answer is...

Basic Skills Guide!

Yes, that's right. Basic skills guide. Preliminary interviews with the mastermind behind HDLoLcast reveal that he may in fact be planning on splitting the guide into three parts: basic laning & jungling, basic ganking, and basics of teamfights! Oooh, sounds serious! Well folks, stay tuned, because the first video should be out by the end of the week, and it will be the answer to all of your anxious voting, so you won't want to miss it!

Thanks to everyone who voted in the poll!

EDIT: We now have a video out to introduce our Basic Skills Guide Series, check it out below!

HD League of Legends Beginner's Guide - Basic Skills Guide Series Introduction

Monday, December 6, 2010

Valoran Video Contest Part Two Part Two!

Yes, you heard me right - I did say it twice. It's because I'm being funny. Yes, funny. I do that sometimes. Just nod your head and laugh. Yeah that's right. Well done. See, technically this video contest is the "Valoran Video Contest Part Two", and this is part two of my posting about it, so that means I get to repeat myself. Pretty awesome, right? Yeah, I thought it was witty. Ok, you don't, well fine. Just pretend like it never happened.

Anyway, here is my second submission for the Valoran Video Contest - this time about Minions and Monsters. It's pretty cool, so check it out. The winners are supposed to be announced on December 20, so stay tuned to see if these videos cut the mustard or not! Embedded/linked below.

HD League of Legends Beginner's Guide - Minions and Monsters Guide

P.S. How does someone cut mustard anyway?

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Valoran Video Contest

Well guys, it's that time of year again. What? No, not Christmas you silly monkey! The Valoran Video Contest! Excuse me? You've never heard of the Valoran Video Contest! This is preposterous! What kind of summoner are you? Ok ok well I suppose it is only the second time it's actually been held, so I'll cut you some slack this time. Next time I might just cut you. Just jokes, just jokes!

Anyway, information about the Valoran Video Contest can be found here, and my submission to the contest can be found below. So go ahead, check it out, and let me know what you think!

HD League of Legends Beginner's Guide - Towers, Inhibitors, and the Nexus Guide

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Patch v1.0.0.106

The new patch to accompany the arrival of Trundle is finally here. Along with the new patch of course, comes a few gameplay tweaks and changes. Given the fact that some of our favourite champions are getting nerfs, expect there to be a lot of nerd rage, but since the intention is to level out the game, it will hopefully be a good thing. You can check out the patch notes here for specific information, or you can read my TL;DR version below.

So basically, ranged carries are getting a nerf, flash didn't get removed from the game this patch like a lot of people thought, and several AoE spells are getting nerfed (here's to hoping that they leave my lovely Amumu ult intact!). Lots of bugs were fixed, too. Janna got a nerf, Morgana's spell shield got a nerf, her ult got a nerf, Galio got nerfed, Pantheon had some changes, and Sona got nerfed. Doran's Ring and Doran's Sword had some tweaks, and the Lizard (red) buff was changed to do reduced slowing when applied by a ranged character (5/10/15% instead of 10/20/30%).

That's all for now folks, check out the new patch and the new champion, Trundle, and stay tuned to HDLoLcast because in the next day or so we'll have a new video coming out!