Saturday, November 27, 2010

How NOT to play

Hey everyone, new video just out! Paaaaartay! This one is called "How NOT to play". What, you guessed that already? Well you sneaky little bugger... Fine, you win this time.

Anyway, this video is because of all the bad teams I've been having to play on recently in solo queue 5v5. Now, in my team's defense, three of us went on to play another game together after this (after culling the two worst players on our team, heheheh) and we actually rolled some face. It was plenty of fun. So Guzzo4 and Jforgenjorgen and Valkaiser - if you're reading this, don't take it personally, I'm not just slamming you guys. We did well in the game after this one, but in this game we had some unfortunate moments. We lacked coordination and CCs and whatnot which ended up hurting us.

So this video is going to show you some of our worst moments for your morbid fascination, and I'm going to explain to you how to avoid making the same mistakes. I play Shen and my teammates are Vladimir, Corki, Mordekaiser, and Soraka. The enemy team had Ashe, Shen, Vladimir, Katarina, and Taric. Katarina was played by my man Ninjablast, who seriously wrecked face with her.

Ok, enough blabbing, now on with the video!

HD League of Legends Guide - How NOT to Play


  1. Nice video.
    It definitely helps to see what I'm doing wrong.
    Feel free to use me as a counterexample anytime :P

  2. Hahah thanks, glad you liked the video. For the record, I was really glad to have you on my side playing Soraka since you saved my butt more than once.
